
The Rock Shares First Images Of Becky Lynch As Young Rock's Cyndi Lauper

Season three of Young Rock premieres this week, and with it has come the reveal that Becky Lynch will be making her debut on the show. Not as herself, of course, since the sitcom retelling The Rock's life is nowhere near catching up to the present-day product. Big Time Becks will play Cyndi Lauper, and The People's Champ has now shared the first look at Lynch as the iconic pop star.

A First Loom At Becky Lynch As Cyndi Lauper

“Officially welcoming Becky Lynch to our YOUNG ROCK cast. Becky takes on the daunting and FUN task of playing the one and only - the icon Cyndi Lauper,” Rock wrote on Instagram. “I was right there for Becky’s audition and we were all very impressed at her high-level commitment as an actor to become Cyndi Lauper.”

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The images Rock shared include Lynch's Lauper meeting other members of The Rock's family, or rather the actors playing them in Young Rock, and one of Lynch posing in full her Lauper costume. For those unfamiliar with why Lauper is appearing in a show recanting various pieces of wrestling history, the singer was a guest at Wrestlemania 1 and a huge part of why the event was such a cultural success.

Cyndi Lauper's WrestleMania Party

As for the event Young Rock's season three premiere will recreate, most of the episode will seemingly take place at a party Lauper threw around that same time, so in 1985. Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, and Vince McMahon were also in attendance at the party, so expect to see actors portraying those larger-than-life characters when the show returns to NBC this Friday. It'll be on at the same time as SmackDown, so you'll have a decision to make.

According to F4W Online, Lynch's Lauper role was previously described as being recurring, so the premiere might not be the last time we see the Irish star on the show. What might be even more exciting than the first look at Lynch as Lauper will be hearing her voice for the first time. The former Raw Women's Champion will presumably need to mask her Irish accent to make sure her performance is a convincing one.

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Almeda Bohannan

Update: 2024-05-06